Associate Professor
Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science, Fukushima University
Head of Collaborative Research Group on Data-Model Fusion Planning
National Institute for Environmental Studies
16-2, Onogawa, Tsukuba, 305-8506, Japan
1995 Nagoya University (B.S. in Earth Science)
2000 Nagoya University (M.S. in Earth and Planetary Science)
2002 Nagoya University (Ph.D in Earth and Planetary Science)
Work Experiences
2012-now National Institute for Environmental Studies, Head of Collaborative Research Group on Data-Model Fusion Planning
2007-now Associate Professor, Fukushima University, Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science
2004-2006 Research Scientist, Department of Geography, San Jose State University and NASA Ames Research Center
2003 Assistant Professor, Nagoya University, Graduate School of Engineering
2002 Assistant Professor, Nagoya University, Graduate School of Environmental Studies
2001 Research Fellow of Japan Society of Promotion Sciences (Nagoya University)
1995-1998 Software Engineer, Fijitsu F.I.P Corp.
Research Interests
Earth System Modeling (Atmosphere-Land-Ocean Modeling)
Remote sensing of terrestrial ecosystems
Terrestrial ecosystem modeling (Biome-BGC, CASA, LPJ, SVM etc.)
Numerical modeling and its optimization
Teaching Experiences
Fukushima University: Environmental Monitoring, Remote Sensing, Enviromental Modeling, Experiments in environmental modeling etc.
Honors & Awards
1. The Takeda Techno-Entrepreneurship Award, Session E. Novel applicaions of remote sensing technology to environmental well-being, Takeda Foundation (2002)
2. The Best Presentation Award, Remote Sensing Society of Japan (2000).
Selected 10 Publications (Total: 29 publications)
10. Suzuki T., and Ichii K. (in press) Evaluation of a terrestrial carbon cycle submodel in an earth system model using networks of eddy covariance observations, Tellus Ser B.
9. Ichii K., Suzuki T., Kato T., Hajima T., Ueyama M., Sasai T., Hirata R., Saigusa N., Ohtani Y., Takagi K. (2009) Multi-model analysis of terrestrial carbon cycles in Japan: reducing uncertainties in model outputs among different terrestrial biosphere models using flux observations. Biogeosciences Discussions, 6, 8455-8502. (in review for Biogeosciences)
8. Saigusa N., Ichii K., Murakami H., Hirata R., Asanuma J., Den H., Han S.J., Ide R., Li S.G., Ohta T., Sasai T., Wang S.Q., Yu G.R. (2010) Impact of meteorological anomalies in the 2003 summer on gross primary productivity in East Asia. Biogeosciences, 7, 641-655.
7. Ichii K., Wang W., Hashimoto H., Yang F., Votava P., Michaelis A.R., Nemani R.R. (2009) Refinement of rooting depths using satellite-based evapotranspiration seasonality for ecosystem modeling in California. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149, 1907-1918.
6. Yang F., Ichii K., White M.A., Hashimoto H., Michaelis A.R., Votava P., Zhu A.X., Huete A.R., Running S.W., Nemani R.R. (2007) Developing a continental-scale measure of gross primary production by combining MODIS and AmeriFlux data through Support Vector Machine approach. Remote Sensing of Environment 110, 109-122.
5. Ichii K., Hashimoto H., White M.A., Potter C.S., Hutyra L.R., Huete A.R., Myneni R.B., Nemani R.R. (2007) Constraining rooting depths in tropical rainforests using satellite data and ecosystem modeling for accurate simulation of GPP seasonality, Global Change Biology, 13, 67-77.
4. Sasai T., Ichii K., Nemani R.R., Yamaguchi Y. (2005) Simulating terrestrial carbon fluxes using the new biosphere model “biosphere model integrating eco-physiological and mechanistic approaches using satellite data” (BEAMS). Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, G02014, doi:10.1019/2005JG000045.
3. Ichii K., Matsui Y., Murakami K., Mukai T., Yamaguchi Y., Ogawa K. (2003) A global carbon and energy coupled cycle model for global warming simulation: Sentitivity to the light saturation effect. Tellus, 55B, 676-691.
2. Ichii K.,Matsui Y., Yamaguchi Y., Ogawa K. (2001) Comparison of global net primary production trends obtained from satellite based normalized difference vegetation index and carbon cycle model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15, 351-364.
1. Kawabata A., Ichii K., Yamaguchi Y. (2001) Global monitoring of the interannual changes in vegetation activities using NDVI and its relationships to temperature and precipitation.International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22, 1377-1382.